Metallurgical Consulting
for Long Products

As a qualified partner for producers of special steel and sophisticated materials, KOCKS offers tailor-made research and consulting services for the entire long product rolling process – from the billet to the finished product. Our customers rely on our know-how for various projects in the field of process design and comprehensive production system optimization. Our team of specialists also offers proficient support when rolling critical materials such as titan and its alloys and nickel- and cobalt-base alloys. With 'KOCKS Metallurgical Consulting', we bring decades of practical experience to the market – an expertise that your company won't find anywhere else.


Hot Rolling Trials 

Changes in the global political and economic environment constantly challenge the market to meet new demands which call for the development of new, integrated processes and the optimization of conventional materials. Building on over 75 years of experience in the long products sector, KOCKS anticipates future trends and provides targeted support for research projects even at an early stage.

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The driving force behind every company is its people. In today’s fast-paced world, there are many situations that occasion personnel changes – be it due to in-house restructuring efforts, strategic reorientation or generational change. Expert training and a perpetual transfer of knowledge are thus vital for any company’s continued success.

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Process Consulting 

Based on user-specific data, the KOCKS simulation technology delivers reliable results on process control and predicted technological properties straight to the operator. Simulation is thus an effective tool to facilitate process optimization and product development, and, ultimately, to identify ways to reduce production costs.

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Material Consulting 

MatILDa® is a material database that has been continuously developed our subsidiary by GMT mbh for over twenty years. Its extensive material archive contains highly accurate data gathered from practical material investigations, also accessible to FEM simulation programs via special interfaces. A wide range of visualization functionalities include flow curves and CCT diagrams.

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